A few easy to access links for healthy eating tips!
The Royal Osteoporosis Society website at The ROS Dietary Advice give you access to a lot more information on foods that promote bone health.
You can also find nutrition factsheets on the International Osteoporosis website here: Nutrition factsheets.
Further analysis of the evidence on nutrition and osteoporosis…
For more detail about the effects of nutritional factors throughout the life-course using the following link to the recently published IOF article: ‘Healthy Nutrition, Healthy Bones’ www.worldosteoporosisday.org
Further analysis of the evidence on nutritional influences and osteoporosis can be found in the recently published SIGN Guidelines for the Management of Osteoporosis and the Prevention of Fragility fractures (2021) SIGN guideline Management of Osteoporosis and Prevention of Fragility Fractures (page 45).
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