Abstract Submission Guidelines
CLOSING DATE: 11:59pm, 31 July 2023
Details of Submissions
We are inviting submissions for a poster presentation during the lunch break at the Lydia Osteoporosis Project Symposium on Friday 20th October 2023 at Queen Margaret University. We would expect one representative of the team producing the poster to attend the symposium and we will offer a discounted rate for all poster presenters and free entry for one winner.
For all submissions, please send in a proposal of your work that includes a maximum of 150-word abstract and a 500-word summary. You can apply by sending a proposal to LydiaOsteoporosisProject@qmu.ac.uk by 30 June 2023.
Suggested format for proposal
- Topic
- Title
- Motivation
- Problem statement
- Approach/design (methodology/method)
- Results
- Conclusions
We request you:
- Keep the title short (max 15 words)
- Use a maximum of 3 keywords
- Avoid Fillers and Jargon
- Do not include diagrams
- Do not include references
The Reviewing Criteria for the proposals
The Reviewing Criteria for the proposals will be focused on comprehension, content, and adequate writing format. More specifically:
- Did the proposal provide an understanding of the background and significance to the research question being addressed while explaining terminology and avoiding jargon?
- Did the proposal clearly describe the impact and/or results of the research (or the proposed ones), including conclusions and outcomes?
- Did the proposal follow a clear and logical sequence?
- Did the research topic, research significance, results/impact and outcomes communicated in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience?
- Did the proposal have an academic format?
- Thank you in advance for your interest and your submissions for the Lydia Symposium 2023.
We will inform you if your proposal has been successful by 31st August 2023.
For any questions and/or comments, please don’t hesitate to email us. LydiaOsteoporosisProject@qmu.ac.uk
Conference Website for further event details: https://www.qmu.ac.uk/news-and-events/events-listing/lydia-plus-symposium/